martes, noviembre 06, 2007

A late talk....

Him: i have a question
Him: well two
You: yes?
Him: first one
Him: how do i get my pic on my profile without downloading the pic
Him: i see you have yours
You: mmmm.... get a snapshot... and select upload texture....
You: u will have at your inventory
Him: ok thanks
You: after that
You: second?
Him: yeah i know the rest
Him: second
Him: would you have one dance with me
You: sure
You: :)
Him: good
You: lead the way
Him: very nice
Him: and very sexy
You: yes.. I like this dance...
You: where are u from?
Him: i think i have seen you here before
You: my first time
Him: oh
Him: well i am from san jose
Him: calif
You: I work at other places
Him: maybe i saw you there
Him: and where are you from
You: spain
Him: we are not that close even in time zone
Him: your day is ending
Him: while my night is beginnng
You: no love.. I am now just hanging around
Him: well at least we danced
You: yes...
You: that is nice
Him: and got to see you closer
Him: and touch you
Him: spanish maiden
Him: who is missing you right now
You: nice to feel u closer
Him: you bring out
Him: the fire in me
Him: can you tell
You: my dear... as u have seen at my profile.. I am a escort
Him: but even escorts
Him: i mean i know that for a while
Him: i could have you
Him: all of yuo
Him: and that would be nice
You: mmmm.. i am sure of that
You: but I think that is not what are u looking for now
Him: i am not looking for love
Him: if thats what you mean
Him: give me your card
Him: so i wont forget
You: and what are u looking for?
Him: right now
Him: just a dance
You: let's dance
You: and dont think on work
Him: thank you for the card
Him: good and let me
Him: feel and see you
You: more closer?
Him: well
Him: i dont know about that
Him: there is a limit
You smiles
Him: of my control
You: mmmmmmm.. there are other dances...
You: may I choose?
Him: oh really?
You: as u see ..this is closer
You: with control
Him: closer
Him: oh nice
Him: you want to get my fever going
You: and what do u at SL...while u are not at a dome club?
Him: nothing
Him: is that what you mean
Him: money wise
Him: i love women
You: I see....
You: san jose is at california?
Him: yes
Him: earthquakes there right now
You gets closer to him
Him: nice
Him: you feel so good
Him: tell me what
Him: it would take for an evening with you
You: ufff.. your evenings love...are my nights...diff
Him: well true
Him: how many hours diff
Him: i am not an early to bed
Him: unless the bed
Him: well you know
You: 8 hours
You: perhaps your bed... would be fill with my body
Him: i like the way you talk
You: I know.. I speak a horrible english...*giggles
Him: you speak great body language
You: aww!ty... I try
Him: what would it take
Him: for an everning with you
Him: evening
You: one full evening?
Him: i dont mean an hour or two
You: mmmmm.... well... this is the first time...someone ask to me
Him: heh
You: really dont know...
Him: ok dont have to answer
Him: i am interested in you
Him: you are free this evening?
You: yes
Him: you mean available
Him: free means for no money
You: i mean avalaible
Him: yes i understand
Him: its already late for you
Him: afternoons?
You: it is late...yes....
Him: so for an afternoon
Him: what would it take
Him: i am sure
Him: charm alone is not enough
You: u are really kind and gently yes...
Him: thank you
Him: and you are so sweet
Him: and seem so delicious
Him: are you
Him: are you delicious?
You: well.. I used to be
Him: well you are
Him: ok let me ask
Him: what would it take
Him: for one hour with you
You: 2000
Him: i mean you have already
Him: give me so much time
Him: i feel guilty
Him: 2000L for an hour
You: mmmmmmm
You: love.. I am not working now...
You: just dancing with a new friend
Him: thank you
Him: but you are working
Him: in a different way
Him: as you can tell
You: well.... dance... talk...even kiss... is free....allways...
Him: and touch your ass
You: yes...
You: more than what is not free
Him: but you are a bit naughty too
You: I didnt say ..I am not...
Him: good
Him: maybe one day i will have enough money for a house
You: may I ask what things do u like to do with a girl?
Him: wow i froze
Him: depends on the woman
Him: and my mood
You holds he feels hoter
You: me
Him: sometimes i like tender moments
You: aha
Him: and sometimes i like to restrain the woman
Him: or put her against the walll
Him: and kiss her
You: with passion?
Him: very much
You: nice...
Him: its about fire
You kiss his neck...softly
Him: and that just drives
Him: me crazy
You: just a kiss my dear?
Him: yes
Him: the right kind of kiss
Him: the feel of it
Him: it weakens me
Him: and clouds me head
You: mmmm.... kiss u again....soft...
Him: you naughty
Him: girl
Him: woman
You: yes... :D
Him: i could dance with your for hours
Him: but i shouldnt take all your time
You: love this feeling... but I have to go to sleep...
Him: you have given more
Him: than i asked
You: perhaps other day
Him: i hope so
You looks for his lips...and slowly kiss him..while tells to him...see u my dear
Him: ciao sweet sexy baby

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Ayss he tardado mas en comentarte,ya que he tenido que traducir esta entrada porque yo el ingles nivel 0 xDDDD

Aver cuando nos hacemos unas fotitos juntas :)

besoss!! :**